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Australia School Holidays and Term dates 2018-2019. Search by School Name or Council. Providing Australia school holidays information. Find Term Dates by Region. View, Print and share school holiday and term dates for English and Welsh schools. Find your school, add INSET and occasional days and then download as PDF, print a copy or share with email.
Suche mit dem Namen der Schule. Wir haben Informationen über die Ferientermine aller Bundesländer. Suche Schulzeiten mit der Region. Sie können die Ferienzeiten ihrer Schule betrachten, ausdrucken und auf ihrer Webseite einbinden. Finde deine Schule, downloade alle Informationen als PDF, drucke sie aus und versende sie via E-mail. Zudem kannst fehlende Information die speziell für deine Schule gelten nachtragen. Sehen Sie ein Beispiel Schule.
España Vacaciones escolares y calendario académico 2018-2019. Buscar por nombre de escuela o consejo. Proporcionando fechas de vacaciones de España para Consejos y Escuelas en Inglaterra y Gales. Encontrar fechas del calendario académico por región. Ver, imprimir y compartir las fechas del calendario académico y de las vacaciones escolares para las escuelas de Inglaterra y Gales. Ver un ejemplo de escuela.
Les vacances scolaires et les dates des trimestres en França 2018-2019. Fournir les dates des vacances des conseils et des écoles en Angleterre et au Pays de Galles a la França. Trouvez les dates des trimestres par région. Consultez, imprimez et partagez les dates des vacances scolaires et les dates des trimestres pour les écoles anglaises et galloises.
New Zealand School Holidays and Term dates 2018-2019. Search by School Name or Council. Providing New Zealand holiday dates and school calendars. Find Term Dates by Region. View, Print and share school holiday and term dates for English and Welsh schools. Find your school, add INSET and occasional days and then download as PDF, print a copy or share with email.
USA School Holidays and Semester dates 2015-2016. Search by School Name or District. Find Semester Dates by District. View, Print and share school holiday and semester dates for USA Schools. Find your school, add INSET and occasional days and then download as PDF, print a copy or share with email.
For more InterNACHI events, please visit the InterNACHI events. If you are a chapter president and would like to create your own chapter Web site, please visit the InterNACHI Chapter Management. To find a InterNACHI certified home inspector in your area, visit InspectorLocator.
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